Showing posts with label Healty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healty Tips. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2018

Homemade Facial Mask

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For oily-normal skin
Red and brown exotic facial2-3 large carrots
4 1/2 tablespoons honey
Cook carrots till soft. Mash and mix with honey. Apply gently to the skin, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Did You Know? Carrots are very high in vitamin A and a source of vitamin C, folacin and potassium. A good fortifier of skin cells.

For dry skin
Banana Facial Mask
2 medium bananas
Honey optional

Mash bananas with a spoon. Let is not be too smooth. Let the mashed mixture be lumpy. Add honey if need be. Apply and keep on for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Did You Know? Bananas are a good source of ascorbic acid (Vit. C), Vitamin B 6 , and potassium and honey is primarily composed of fructose, glucose and water. It also contains other sugars as well trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins and amino acids. They make excellent moisturizers.

Pearl Peach Mask (for renewal skin)
1 medium peach
1 tablespoons honey
1 tbs oatmeal
Cook peach and mash in the soft insides into the honey and oatmeal mixture. Apply and keep on for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Did You Know? Peaches are great exfoliates and remove dead skin cells. Peaches speed up cell renewal, leading to healthier skin tone. The AHAs in these fruits help soften wrinkles, sun spots, age spots, blemishes and can even unclog pores.
For oily skin that is acne prone
1 medium size apple (grated)
5 tablespoons of honey

Mix the grated apple and mix with honey to make a mask. Smooth over skin and rinse off with cool water after ten minutes.

Did You Know? Apples - One medium 2-1/2 inch apple, fresh, raw, with skin has 81 Calories, 21 grams Carbohydrate, 4 grams Dietary Fiber, Soluble Fiber, Insoluble fiber, 10 mg Calcium, 10mg Phosphorus, .25mg Iron, 0.00mg Sodium, 159mg Potassium, 8 mg Vitamin C, 73 IU Vitamin A, 4mcg Folate. Source USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory 

Bikini Waxing Styles

Styles of bikini wax treatments are emerging in response to lifestyle and fashion trends. Waxing is probably the best way to remove unwanted hair from the bikini areas as it gives a smooth, clean surface and long-lasting results. Nowadays there are a few very popular pubic hair removal styles. No matter what is the reason you want to change your bikini “hairstyle“ you should be well informed and prepared before you visit the nearest beauty parlor.

Types Of Bikini Wax Styles:

Regular Bikini Wax
– this style is appropriate for “beginners“. The Bikini Style involves hair removal from the both sides of the bikini line. This pubic hair removal style is also known as “ the regular style“ and is used mainly by the older women. In other words the regular bikini wax removes hair just around the front of the bikini line.

French Wax – this style is similar to the bikini style. French style is also known as “modified bikini wax“`. It takes away some of the hair in the pubic region. The French style is appropriate for those women who love to wear bikinis and other skimpy outfits. In French Bikini Style a tiny, narrow strip of hair is left on the upper part.

Full Brazilian Style – also known as Hollywood Bikini Style, Bare Pubic Style, Sphynyx Style. The Full Brazilian is probably the most preferred pubic style. In it the pubic hair is completely removed, usually by waxing. In other words you are completely “bare“. The Full Brazilian wax involves a complete removal of hair from the buttocks, anus, vulva.

Brazilian Wax – also known as Playboy Style involves removal of hair from the anus, buttocks, vulva and only a very narrow strip is left. The Brazilian wax is among the most preferred bikini styles as it looks sexy and is easy to groom. Recent pulls has shown that the Brazilian style is the most preferred by the men.

Landing Strip – also very common bikini “hairstyle“. It basically leaves a bit of pubic hair in the front center. The strip usually narrows in about 1.25 inches more than the regular wax.

Other alternatives Nowadays more and more women opt for different, more interesting designs – butterfly, diamond, heart, lighting bolt, star, arrows. If you want something like this you should have it done by a professional because it will be very difficult for you to do it alone. Some women even choose to dye their pubic hair in different colors – red, green, blue, yellow with the aid of specially designed dye for pubic hair.

The pain To be absolutely honest with you I should tell you the truth – there is pain, a lot of pain especially in the Full Brazilian Wax. Fortunately you can take painkiller an hour prior to the procedure to alleviate the pain. Remember: always schedule the appointment after your menstrual cycle and have it done by a licensed esthetician.

What you should expect:As I said above the best way to remove unwanted pubic hair is waxing as the results can last up to 3/ 4 weeks. It’s normal to experience during and a few hours after the waxing procedure.

After the waxing procedure:After the hair removal your skin may become red and more sensitive but it’s something normal. There are some great products (powders, lotions, creams, moisturizers, gels) that contain chamomile extract, Aloe Vera to calm down the skin
Useful Beauty Tips:
-Make sure you know exactly how each method is performed because the terminology may vary
with different salons and Spas.
-Your hair should be at least ¼ of an inch to wax it.
-Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning beds a few days after waxing.
-Take a painkiller (like ibuprofen) an hour prior to the waxing treatment to alleviate the pain.
-You can apply a topical numbing cream before your service.
-Don’t wax your bikini line if you are diabetic, if you take Accutane, Retin or if you apply alpha hydroxy acids to the bikini area.
-Always have your bikini wax done by a professional, especially for the first time and then try to wax at home.
-After several times of waxing your bikini line it will hurt less and less.
-Always indicate whether you want a regular bikini wax or a Full Brazilian for example to avoid unwanted surprises.
-Wax at least a day before special event to give your skin enough time to calm down.
-Through moisturizing after waxing can help to avoid the problem of ingrown hair, which is when the hair grows back under the skin causing infection. 

Teen SkinCare Tips: Six Common Skin Problems In Teenagers

During the teens years your skin is plump, firm and strong but unfortunately it’s more prone to frequent breakouts and blemishes – pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, large pores, acne. During puberty the skin begins to produce more oil (sebum), hormonal changes occur, your body begins to produce more hormones – Androgens.The teenage years are the best time to begin a healthy skincare routine. A teen’s daily skin care regimen should consist of cleaning, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating, sun protection.

Common skin problems in teens are: acne, pimples, excessive oiliness, blackheads, whiteheads, large pores, hyperpigmentation, post-acne scars.
1. Common Teen Skin Problem: AcneAcne is the most common skin problem among teenagers. 75 percent of the teenagers from ages 13 to 18 are affected, at least occasionally by acne. The most common form of acne among teens is Acne Vulgaris – it starts when the excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells clog up the facial pores, the hormonal changes are also to be blamed.
Acne can be composed by variety of skin lesions: blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, red spots, zits, pus-filled pimples. In most cases acne in teenagers is caused by a hormone imbalance, genes, stress and improper skincare.Acne can be very depressing for a teenager but fortunately there are products, treatments and procedures that may help heal acne. The dermatologists usually prescribe:
- Antibiotics – used to kill acne-causing bacteria.
- Accutane – an oral retinoid that is very effective in severe cases of acne
- Corticosteroid injection – used only in severe cases of acne. It is an anti-inflammatory medication that is injected into the inflamed acne lesion.
- Benzoyl Peroxide – probably the most effective and widely used acne medication. It’s available in lotions, creams, cleansers, gels.
- Salicylic Acid – helps unclog pores and prevent blemishes.
The acne treatment can be very complicated and a long process but no one should give up trying to heal the acne. It’s essential to follow a strict skincare regimen in order to keep your skin clean and clear.Every acne-sufferer should use specially designed creams, cleansers, lotions for acne-prone skin. Look for skincare products containing Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Hydroxyl Acid. Wash your face daily at least two times with a mild cleanser that cleanses your skin deeply without drying it. Regular exfoliation is a good way to keep your skin healthy and glowing and to prevent acne as the dead skin cells combined with excess oil on the surface of your skin may lead to blemishes and breakouts.
2. Common Teen Skin Problem: PimplesAn estimated 89 percent of the teenagers have pimples outbreak at some point. A pimple usually begins to form when skin cells clump together causing a plug, then the excess oil being produced by the oil glands starts to build up beneath the plug. Dermatologists believe that the main cause of a pimple formation is the increased production of male hormones called Androgens combined with the presence of bacteria on the skin’s surface. Pimples can flare up at any time and unfortunately most of them leave a red scar behind.
What you can do to prevent pimples: Follow a strict skincare regime. Cleansing and toning your face is the best way to treat and prevent pimples. There are many cleansers, exfoliators, creams, lotions containing active ingredients that cleanse the skin deeply and dry out the pimples. It’s crucial to select a facial cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. If you have many pimples you may want to use a facial toner with alcohol as it dries out pimples fast but be very careful. Look for a toner with Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid.Your best choice for a cleansing mask will be a clay mask as it draws out impurities and removes the excessive oil from your skin, which is very beneficial for those with combination or oily skin.

3. Common Teen Skin Problem: Excessive Oil Production
As we said early, during puberty the oil glands begin to produce more sebum (oil) due to hormonal changes. Excessive oil production may cause clogging of the pores, blackheads, whiteheads, enlarged pores, pimples. Excessive sebum production usually appears on the T-zone – forehead, nose and chin as these areas contain more oil glands than the other areas. Fortunately there are products specially designed to control the excessive oil production. They reduce and control the excess surface oil and prevent clogging of the pores. Main ingredient in shine/oil control products is Nordihydraguaiaretic Acid as it reduces the sebum production.

4. Common Teen Skin Problem: Blackheads and WhiteheadsThe presence of blackheads and whiteheads is a common skin complaint among teenagers. Blackheads can affect every skin type and every age, especially those with oily and combination skin. Blackheads are caused by hardened masses of sebum (oil) trapped in the pores. They are direct result from skin facial pores becoming clogged with oil, dead skin cells and dirt. The blackheads (open comedones) usually appear on the T-zone and the whiteheads show up as tiny white spots around the eyes.

What you can do to prevent blackheads and whiteheads: the best way to prevent and treat blackheads is to exfoliate your skin regularly - once or twice a week. When exfoliating you remove the dead skin cells, the impurities on the skin’s surface that usually lead to breakouts and blemishes. Regular exfoliation encourages new, healthier skin cells to form, unclogs pores and prevents further breakouts. Another alternative for dealing with blackheads are the pore strips that pull away oil and build up dirt from the nose, chin and forehead. It’s crucial to cleanse your face and to remove your makeup in the evening and in the morning, to keep your skin clean and free of blackheads.

5. Common Teen Skin Problem: Large Pores
Puberty can cause enlargement of the facial pores due to the increased production of oil. During puberty the skin begins to produce more sebum and the pores have to enlarge in order to be able to handle the increased output. Pores appear enlarged when they are clogged, dilated, infected and that’s why the best way to keep your pores small and less visible is to keep your skin clean all the time. Often the pores get clogged with dead skin cells, dirt, oil which makes them appear more prominent and that’s why regular skin exfoliation is essential in order to remove the dead skin cells and to allow your skin to produce new, healthier cells. Use a mild exfoliator to remove the dead skin cells twice a week, but make sure it’s appropriate for your skin type. Using a pore minimizing (refining) products should be an essential part of your skin care regimen to keep your facial pores under control. These products target the production of sebum deep in the pores, clear away debris and reduce the size of the large pores.

6. Common Teen Skin Problem: Post-Acne ScarsAs we said most of the pimples leave behind a red scar. The post-acne scars can be divided into two categories: physical scars and pigmented scars. The physical scars tend to cause an indentation in the skin’s surface, the pigmented post-acne scars usually appear as inflamed red mark, spot on the skin’s surface. Squeezing or picking at a pimple always increases the chances of scarring.Microdermabrasion, chemical peel, laser resurfacing are all very effective in removing post-acne (post-pimple) scars, but such treatments are appropriate only for very severe scarring. There are many “on the spot“ treatments containing Benzoyl Peroxide, Kojic Acid, Glycolic Acid that clear up blemishes and reduce the appearance of post-acne marks.

Useful Teen Tips:
- Remember: a complete skincare routine now is the best step in creating a lifetime of healthy habits and preventing future skin issues.
- Remember: the appearance of your skin is influenced mainly by your skin care routine.
- Never use oil-based makeup products because they may clog your facial pores and cause breakouts.
- Look for non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic products.
- Consult a dermatologist – he/ she may prescribe you some medicines that might help you.
- Never squeeze or pick at a pimple as doing so may spread the inflammation and leave an ugly red scar behind.
- Look for oil-free moisturizer.
- Look for a gentle, non-comedogenic gel or cream cleanser.
- Always apply a moisturizer in the morning, even if your skin is oily or combination.
- Do a cleansing face mask once or twice a week to keep your skin clean.
- Always wear a sunscreen or sunblock with SPF at least 15, even during the winter months to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
- Exfoliate your face once or twice a week with a gentle cleanser to remove the dead skin cells.
- Avoid rough scrubs as they may make your skin condition worse.
- Remember: the damage that occurs now is what will be evident when you get older.
- Choose skin care products and makeup products that are appropriate for your skin type.
- Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, whole grains.
- Avoid eating chocolate, greasy foods.
- Don’t smoke – smoking seriously damage your skin.
- Drink plenty of water – at least 1.5 liter a day to keep your skin and body hydrated.
- Avoid touching your face with dirty hands – you can transform bacteria and cause inflammation.
- Avoid using products with fragrance as this may increase the possibility of allergies and irritations. 

How to Wax Your Face

No woman wants a mustache or a chin full of whiskers! This guide will explain how to remove unwanted whiskers easily and at home-- all for a lot less money than you would have to pay a salon (which means you can do it as often as needed).

Here's How:
1.Purchase wax. Some people find that the hard wax (Surgi-Wax) is easier to use, while others prefer the soft wax used in combination with muslin strips. Experiment to see what works for you.

2.Heat wax if the directions indicate you should do so.

3.Apply the wax in the direction the hair is growing in.

4.Press the muslin strips onto the wax (if applicable)

5.Allow wax to harden adequately.

6.Pull up a small section of wax opposite to where you started (see tips and next step)

7.Hold skin taut and pull the wax or strip backwards, against the way the hair grows (see tips)
8.Apply any ointments, soothing lotions, or other included items to the spot as directed.

Tips :- When applying the wax, you want to apply it the direction the hair is growing. Imagine that your chin is a cat and picture which way the fur is going: you want to go WITH the 'fur', from head to tail.

- When pulling the wax off, you should pull it the opposite direction than that which you applied it. If you applied the wax from the foremost part of your chin towards your neck, pull it from your neck out and away from you.

- Hard/Surgi-wax is a little harder to use but achieves a more professional look. Also, thicker, coarser hairs may not come off with soft wax and muslin strips.

- Always follow the instructions that come with the wax; every brand is different.
Warnings!*DON'T overheat the wax. if you do get it too hot, let it cool until it's the right creamy consistency. You may get burned very badly if it's too hot-- and then you have to further irritate the area by pulling the wax of.

*Be extra vigilant when doing brows. Hard wax especially can drip onto more of your brow than you want gone, or worse: your eyelashes. Please be very careful.

*Always do a patch test if you've never waxed before or if you're trying a new brand of wax that has a strong scent. You might develop an allergy on already irritated skin. 

Bare Minerals Makeup

What is bareMinerals?
Bare Minerals is the Foundation that Started the Mineral Makeup Revolution
It began with Bare Escentuals' introduction of our bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation. Since 1976, when we opened our first store in Los Gatos, California, Bare Escentuals has been a pioneer in the cosmetic industry with our makeup, made from 100% pure bareMinerals and free of preservatives, oil, fragrance, talc and other skin irritants. Millions of women who swear by their bareMinerals have uncovered the look of beautifully bare skin. With bareMinerals, your search for the perfect foundation is over.

Pure Natural Mineral Makeup from the Earth
Bare Escentuals uses only the finest ingredients in our products. Made with crushed minerals from the earth, 100% pure bareMinerals:

-is free of preservatives, talc, oil, fragrance and other potential skin irritants
-is free of fillers and binders
-is weightless
-provides adjustable coverage—from light to full
-will improve the condition of the skin over time

Our bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation looks like a powder—yet it's NOT a powder. It feels like a cream and buffs on like silk, giving skin a natural luminosity that stays true all day. All ages and skin types can benefit from bareMinerals—especially those concerned with skin sensitivities, allergies, scars, blemishes, rosacea, wrinkles and pigmentation. The foundation provides impeccable coverage for every skin type and skin tone, and also protects with a natural SPF 15 broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection. bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation carries the Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation.

And bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation is just the beginning. Bare Escentuals has created creamy, feather-light color for all over your face, cheeks and eyes. Our complete line of loose, powder-like products are 100% pure bareMinerals—this includes our foundation, blush, eyeshadows, glimmers, glimpses and liner shadows, with the exception of Mineral Veil finishing powder.

Although we have BE boutiques nationwide, we are making this exclusive trial offer available to you here only. It's an exceptional value and a great opportunity for you to experience makeup that is actually good for your skin.

Bare Essentials - The Healthy Way To A Great You

The market has seen a tremendous jump in the segment for mineral foundations. Many people have switched from other forms of foundation. There are also many new consumers as those that were unable to use the other products now find something that they like. The mineral foundations have a broader appeal since they are free of preservatives and additives.
Bareminerals make up is being proclaimed as the healthiest and lightest make up that you can now buy. Not only is it light and airy for your face, but it comes with many other benefits as well. The bare essentials movement is perhaps the biggest thing to happen to the cosmetics industry for a long time. Thousands of women are turning to this new makeup for their needs.

Thousands of women can't be wrong. Today's women have found bare essentials the only cosmetic made with real minerals. The mineral in the cosmetics gives a warm, natural glow that won't clog your pores like some other brands. Bare essentials permit your pores to breathe unlike other cosmetics that provide a sticky, paste that clogs your pores leading to blemishes.

Mother Earth gives us so many natural naked minerals that Bare essentials is now using. This is an all natural organic make up. Your skin wont get clogged with oils, because this is the healthiest make up you can use for you skin. If you're worried about getting wrinkles then Bare essentials can help with that. This make up is so advanced that it can help block UV rays and thus, making your skin young and healthy.

This is pure freedom for women all over the world. Beauty and protection without the problems that traditional make up gives us. No longer do you have to worry about heavy and weighted make up. Feel light and free by using the healthiest make up available to you.

Bare essentials is a great make up line which is available from many outlets and works for a wide range of women. For the best prices you should search online - often you can get a good deal if you buy more than one product. Buy bare essentials for great make up!

Bare essentials makeup has started the newest and hottest trend in makeup. Foundations using bareminerals have become very popular and are in demand. They are light on the skin, which means they are excellent at hiding imperfections like wrinkles. It can be applied as needed. The makeup offers a natural sunscreen without additives. There are no preservatives, which makes it a healthy alternative to the liquid foundations that bother some people. This makeup is made from naked mineral deposits that the earth itself provides. There are no chemicals and preservatives added to the make up. This means that this type of make up is the healthiest for your skin.